Different Data Transmission Modes In Networking

Different Data Transmission Modes In Networking

Transmission mode is define as the direction of information flow between two devices sender and receiver. There are three types of data transmission modes :

  • Simplex Mode
  • Half-duplex Mode
  • Full-duplex Mode

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Different Data Transmission Modes In Networking

Simplex Mode:

In simplex mode the information flows in only one direction, That is unidirectional. Here the sender cannot receive data from the receiver. It is similar to a one way communication, like a television broadcast where the viewer can only receive the broadcast and cannot send any feedback.

EX:- Cable TV system , Keyboard to processor

Half duplex Mode:

Here information can flow in both direction but not simultaneously. when a device send data ,the other device receive it. After completion , the receiver can also send data to sender.

EX:- Walkie-talkie (where one person while the other person listens, and then they switch roles.

Full duplex Mode:

Here information can flow in both direction simultaneously. That is one device can send and receive data at a time .

EX:- Telephone system (Both parties can talk and listen at the same time

read more about this topic visit herehttps://www.geeksforgeeks.org/transmission-modes-computer-networks/

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